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Writer's picture~ En💭

Why I Hate Growing Up (﹢the beauty in coming of age)

Hello Curious Reader,

Today I’m writing about the reason why I hate growing up. Maybe you’re at the same point of your life as me. If you for no reason at all get hit by nostalgia in the most random times of the day, maybe this post is helpful for you. I won’t deny it, growing up is definitely one of the hardest parts of life. People who were dear to you, leave unexpectedly. You get to experience all those feelings that leave you with so many questions. Can you relate?

Do you get those fuzzy feelings sometimes? Those nostalgic feelings when thinking about your past. Thinking about the memories you made and the ones that will be made. Do you question the path you’re going? Is this what my past self wanted? Is this me at all or am I just trying on one facade after the other?

I cannot stress this enough but we’re living creatures constantly striving for the better. Maybe it’s you who is wanting a better job, a better home or maybe even better friends. It’s okay to be wanting more than what you already have. But most times we get lost in all those goals that in the end let time flow by fast like it never mattered. Please, don’t get lost in silly standards of yours trying to be married by twenty and having a family by thirty. Life doesn’t work like that. You don’t work like that. Whatever you are wanting to reach or whoever you are wanting to be, it only makes you drift away from your own true soul. Don’t be like that! Live your life your own way! Got it? Perfect.

As always the websites that inspired me for this post are linked down below;) So if you want to read more to this topic I definitely recommend you to check them out. So now why won’t we start discussing the reasons that make growing up so hard?

Okay, let’s dive right in…

Coming of age:

The coming of age has definitely an impact of our view in how we see the seasons change and in general look at life. Growing up comes with a lot of freedom but at the same time many responsibilities most of us never had before.

So here are some privileges that we had in our childhood but vanished as time goes by. While you’re reading them, ask yourself if it’s really that bad loosing them and now having the real privilege to live life the way you want to…

#1 You don’t get any monthly pocket money.

#2 You worry about what to come.

#3 No one will save you from your failures.

#4 Nobody will explain you anything unless you ask.

#5 Your life is in your own hand.

#6 People go in and out of your life.

#7 You are the only one to pull you up when you’re falling down.

#8 Nostalgia hits you in unexpected moments.

#9 Yo wish you had more time.

#10 You can’t go back no matter how much you want to.

The Good Side:

Shall I be honest? 100%? Growing up is something really scary and at times you’ll feel lonely and lost. And you wanna know what? That’s okay. Life isn’t that static line. No, it has its up and downs that make you realize the beauty of living even more. Be thankful for the small moments that feel like the strawberry on the cream. Maybe not that necessary but hella worth it.

So why do you only focus on the bad when the good side makes you feel alive the most. Growing up has also some privileges.

Growing up is an important part to keeping your body happy and healthy. You have experienced X amount of years living in your body and you are learning how to make time for yourself to keep a clear mental state. It is important to focus on the good aspects of growing up.

Now let’s focus on them…

#1 You realize who your real friends are. As you grow up you’ve been through so many friendships and have experienced some of the worst and the best memories with the people around you. Growing up is great because you start to realize what you can tolerate when it comes to friendships and relationships in general.

#2 It’s okay to make mistakes. The world around you is aware you are growing and they are okay with the fact that mistakes and accidents happen. Sure some work environments might not take it as easily as others if something goes wrong, but now is the prime time to be okay with yourself and face the fact that you are still learning.

#3 It’s still okay to ask for help. Put your pride aside and ask for help. It is never easy especially if you aren’t that person who feels comfortable asking for help, but it is important to understand that it is still acceptable. We live and we learn and asking for help is all a part of learning.

#4 Your mind and perspectives are changing. Your mind is growing up and you are looking at people, politics, and the world in general with a whole new perspective. You are being exposed to new things constantly and feeling out what you like and what you don’t. You are stepping outside of your comfort zone and initiating more conversations as well as freeing your mind to whatever could come your way. You are maturing and expanding your mind to things you may not have been comfortable with before.

#5 You have to learn to care more about yourself. You can’t escape your body or feelings and this can lead you to learn about your body, mind, and health. You learn to treat yourself more in healthy ways.

#6 You are responsible for yourself. Just as this point could be the negative side of growing up it could also be a positive one. Realize the freedom you have as a grown up. Your parents can’t decide the path you’re going anymore. Doesn’t feel refreshing? So make the best decisions for yourself and don’t forget: You are human. Responsibility is never easy. Give yourself time and I bet in the future you’ll be the best parent for yourself. I believe in you!

My Conclusion:

As you can now see growing up comes with a lot of difficulties but still some privileges that you have to cherish to experience the beauty of life on this wonderful planet called Earth. Don’t stop fighting for the light to appear and the darkness to disappear. One day the fog will clear and you will see life in its brightest colors. You only have one life, so live it your way. Who cares what others think? They have enough to think about because of their own existence. Just go out there in this universe of miracles and embrace yourself in the most beautiful ways you can. Don’t hide anymore. Growing up is scary but necessary. Every living creature is like a butterfly who has to go through many phases to come to their most authentic self. Don’t be afraid and enjoy right now!

A Link and more Playlists on feeling time stand still when you feel it passing the fastest. Growing up has a lot to do with time but more with what you feel grow in your inner self. So let your inner plant grow and embrace its most beautiful self 🪴

So that’s it for today:)

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I hope you like it and follow for more content like this;) Have a✨fresh✨ start in the new year, En💭

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