Struggles of Being On the Internet (﹢solving the issue)
Hello Curious Readers,
Todays I will write about a very different topic as from my previous content. I really hope you enjoy this little change and maybe even request for more🤫 So let’s get into it. As you already guessed it today’s topic is about the struggles you face when being on the internet.
Well, what brought me to this topic?
Recently I thought a lot about the time I’m consuming each and every day on the internet and in general mostly social platforms. I got scared thinking about the years I will spend just staring at the screen of my digital items without actually experiencing the real world. If to be honest I’m scared about my future in the long run. Will I be able to tell my children about the funny memories and challenges I did with my friends back when I was younger? Will I even be able to have grand children someday? Or will the world give up on us before all of this? I’m scared about the challenges we’ll face on this wonderful planet Earth and the years I will waste spending on the Internet. I would say that I spend most of my time of the day with digital devices just because I need them in my daily life to be productive. I have to be honest, I don’t think that we can anymore back off from the internet and quit all digital devices. We’re simply too connected with it.
And now this brings me to my intention on today’s post. In this little blog entry we‘ll find out about the actual struggle on being on the internet, a way to spend less time on it and a little motivation about taking a few days off. And as always the entry’s that inspired me for this post are linked down below. I definitely recommend you to check them out. Are you curious?
Well, then let’s begin…
Is Internet = Stress? The ✨actual✨ struggle on being on the Internet. In this chapter you will get to know the side effects of being on the internet and also how to find a way around them.
Let’s get right into it…
Growing research finds that the more time spent on social media, the more likely a person will experience mental health symptoms like anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness.
What do you think about this statement? It’s shocking, right? But at some point it isn’t surprising anymore since most of us already experienced these symptoms. But how can we prevent those symptoms to knock at our doors?
Here are a few tips on how to limit your stress level:
1. Take a Break
Taking a break from social media gives you the opportunity to rest, recharge, and regroup. You are able to clear your mind in order to prioritize yourself and other aspects of your life. Furthermore, taking a break could give you a new perspective and appreciation for the life you live.
2. Create an Intention or Purpose
Creating an intention keeps you focused on your purpose for the time you’re spending on digital devices and keeps you away from getting distracted easily. It could also prevent the social comparison that naturally happens when we go on social media. You are also less vulnerable to the triggers that make you feel bad about yourself and your life.
3. Manage your time
Do you really have to spend all your time on the internet? Of course there are certain tasks every day that you wouldn’t be able to complete without this source. But you could still manage the time you spend on it and without it. Make a list of all the things that are necessary to do on the internet and then things you could do without it. Remember to set priorities and keep in mind your mental health. Things like checking your social media every morning don’t have to be on your list especially if you’re easily triggered by it.
4. Take a day off
Reconnect with the outside world. Remember the time when you were a child and didn’t have to check social media to get informed about what’s going on in the world. Sometimes it’s better to watch every one rush to their job while you’re going in your own pace. At these times the world seems to be going faster and faster. But this doesn’t mean we should adapt to this feeling. Slowing down might feel like you’re loosing time but could also give you more insights of what you’re feeling inside.
How to spend less time on the Internet: -without complicating your every day life- Well, in the chapter before we’ve talked already about managing your time on the internet but didn’t go too much in depth on the right ways to do so.
So now let’s take a deeper look.
1. Track your screen time
Both iPhone and Android come with features where you can track your screen time on your phone. You can see your daily average time spent, your weekly total, as well as the apps where you spend the most time. Seeing how many hours per week you spend on your phone can really be a wake-up call. Think of the things you could have done while wasting your time on social networks. Maybe this could inspire you to start a new hobby.
2. Turn off notifications
Notifications can cause us to spend more time on our phones than we had planned. Also it can get pretty annoying when the whole time your phone is vibrating and keep getting you distracted from doing your tasks. So turn these notifications off, I promise it will increase your productivity.
3. Move distracting apps off your home screen
Do you have certain apps on your phone that you unconsciously open every time you pick up your phone? You don’t even have to think about it — you just pick up your phone and suddenly find yourself in that app. For many people, it’s either social media or email. It’s also as distracting as your notifications. Removing these apps from your home screen to give you more space and time to think about whether they really have a great usage or not. The next step would be to delete unnecessary apps once and for all.
4. Set an alarm for phone-free time
Sometimes all you need is a little reminder to get off your phone. Setting an alarm on your phone can help you do that. An alarm can be helpful if there’s a certain time you want to be reminded to turn off your phone screen. It’s really simple but also effective.
5. Keep your phone out of the bedroom
For many people, looking at their phones is the last thing they do before they go to sleep and the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning. And when that’s the case, it’s no wonder we’re so addicted. We’re literally allowing our phones to set the tone for our entire day. But instead let’s start the morning by reading a book or making your bed. This will give you the boost, you’ll need for the hours ahead of you.
Motivation for taking a few days off from the Internet:
As we know now from previous chapters and our daily life’s, life with the internet is tough. But also without it. There are many things you simply wouldn’t be able to do without the internet and that’s alright. But it can get a problem when it’s limiting you in some kind of way. For example when you’re getting less and less sociable or feel like being burned out all the time. These are signs that you should reconnect with the outside world again. Spend time with your loved ones face to face or take a day off just for yourself to relax and calm down. Treating yourself in a positive way means showing some love for all the hard work you have to put yourself up with every day. Remember: you are the one in charge of your life, decide the directions and be gently and caring with yourself. Treat yourself like you would treat your loved ones.
So that’s it for today.
What do you think about the side effects on being on the internet?
Have you learned something new?
Have a nice day and keep living the life you want,
~ En💭