How To Love Your Family (Reminder)
Hello Curious Reader,
How do you love your family?
As a child we don’t cherish the people that brought us to this wonderful planet Earth enough and often we find ourselves regretting it later in our life’s. Not everyone has a happy family and often times we don’t even think about it. They are just some people existing in the time that we live. No, they are more than that.
A family raised you, made you grow taller and supported you through the big times and low one’s. When you’re struggling they help you lift yourself up from the ground and let you grow from your mistakes and failures. Sadly not everyone has this privilege of having a family.
But what’s actually a family? Does it always have to be the people that raised you? Let’s find out in today’s post. Come with me on this little journey about discovering what a real family is, the importance of having a family and the right ways to cherish them. I‘ll be your guide and help you find out more about this topic. But if this post isn’t enough for you then check out the articles that inspired me for this post. They are linked down below.
Now let’s get started…
The Definition:
So now we’ve arrived at the first little chapter. What is actually a family? Many people think that it’s the people you’ve grown up with and are blood related to but it doesn’t always have to be like this.
Let’s find out…
It could be:
Family, a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings.
But children have no choice about who is in the family group. You don’t get to choose your siblings, and you certainly don’t get to choose your parents. Despite these limitations, family love still flourishes. It isn’t always healthy love, but it is a deep connection, nonetheless.
Or also:
Some people consider their friends like family. However, when we speak of family love, the love you have with your friends might or might not fit, depending on what type of relationship you have.
In the context of family love, the term refers to bonds characterized by deep affection, respect, loyalty, and healthy attachment. Family relationships are different from other types of bonds.
The Importance:
The importance of loving and having your family in your life. As you know now a family doesn’t always have to be blood related it could also be people that are really close to you and make a big part in your life. So a family can be considered differently but at the end the feeling is the same. The feeling of belonging, trust and home. But why is it so important? You go through so much together, many family’s may separate on the way but some stay as a whole. Why is that so?
Well, let’s have a closer look…
A family home and love of family is so important because a family loves you unconditionally and, in most cases, you can always count on them to be there through the good times and the bad. The love between family members is unbreakable, and no matter where life takes you, you can always count on them to support you.
The To Do’s:
Well, now we’ve got to know the importance of having a family around. But the most important part is the love of the family, right? So when I tell you right now that love doesn’t start with one person but with both, would you dare to show these beloved members of your life some love?
Yes, then let’s get right into it…
#1 Admit when you are wrong. Own your mistakes. Not only that, showing them that it’s important to acknowledge when you mess up, and then make an effort to make things right.
#2 Tell your family members you love them every day. You may think it’s understood that you love your family, but there’s nothing like having that validation.
#3 Give your family members a hug every day. Aside from just feeling good, research shows hugs can actually provide stress relief and keep us from getting sick!
#4 Schedule dates with each of your family members throughout the month. Yes, it’s important for you and your family to stay connected with regular dates.
Here are some quotes that may remind you of the feeling of a loving family.
“Because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you and I’m home.” – Finding Nemo
“Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.” – Unknown
“Pass along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy—the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes; to look at the world through their eyes.” – Barack Obama
“The informality of family life is a blessed condition that allows us all to become our best while looking our worst.” – Marge Kennedy
“Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.” – Trenton Lee Stewart
“Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.” – J.K. Rowling
The Links:
So that’s it for today:)
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Isn’t a family something beautiful?, ~ En💭