My thoughts on being ✨vegan✨
Hello Curious Reader,
Today we’re talking about a very important topic. You already guessed it. It’s about my thoughts and intentions on being vegan. Before we get right into it, I want to say that I do eat eggs but they are from a farmer where chickens are treated properly. I don’t drink good milk from the farmer since my stomach isn’t getting along with it pretty well:) Now, let’s jump right into it;) My thoughts and intentions:
Should intensive farming be considered as normal?:
A little disclaimer: I’d say that I’m not the typical vegan since I was becoming vegan because of many intentions. My first intention were of course the animals and the overall intensive farming. I think for almost every vegan the very main topic are of course the animals. And the probably most certain reason for that is the intensive farming you can watch all over the internet. If you just watch one video of the intensive farming all over the world, it will make something with your mind. I’m sure. You will ask yourself some questions like: does it really have to be this way? Should we be really living in a culture that considers this torture as normal? No, sorry, not for me! In one Video (I’ll link it to you down below) it was mentioned that our biggest Enemy is our consciousness. Since our childhood we are told that eating meat is normal and that’s what we also see in sweets like gummy bears. Most kids eat those gelantin sweets and don’t Even know that it’s made out of a pig. And that’s the problem. Of course we don’t gain that awareness from day one since we’re baby’s. But as we grow it shouldn’t not only be our job to get more open about certain topics but also our parents.
Is being vegan more healthier?: So let’s get to my second intention. It’s singing. Right now I’m doing a singing program which helps me to develop my voice better. Since I’m doing this program I’ve noticed that dairy is actually bad for my throat. It makes the back of throat kind of slimy. So going without dairy is not that much of a change for me because I have a cow milk Indigestibility. That’s why I don’t drink cow milk that often since I get stomach ache from it. And because of that I’m used to drinking sheep milk or oats milk.
Since I’m vegan I feel like I’ve gotten healthier than ever before. Of course you have a lot of replacement products and because of that you don’t have to set many barriers when making some food. Many people think that you can’t eat much or less but there are really so many products(!). They are just a little more expensive than the „normal“ ones. Yes, there are some barriers but as being vegan gets more popular there won’t be much left. As a vegan you can eat unhealthy. But it’s always on what side you’re focusing on. Is it the good or the bad? As I made the decision to be vegan I’ve decided for the good healthy side. You can also choose that side when eating non vegan but as I made this change I found many benefits in it. Not only do you prevent the supermarket from buying more meat or animal products you are also focusing more on what you eat. Let’s see. The supermarket has like a ballot paper. From what you’re buying most the supermarket will notice it and automatically buy more for you. So remember you are the change! It’s in you how big it will be or how small. For me it wasn’t that much of a rearrangement since my sisters were already vegan for one year or so, I kind of just joined them. One day as being vegan won’t kill you. The first step is always the hardest. You get out of your comfort zone, you face some barriers. But if to be honest, that should be a part of your everyday life. You won’t grow without getting out of your comfort zone. You grow with change!
But one problem is that not every vegan product is that healthy. Like avocados, they really need a lot of water and because of that it’s actually not that good for the earth. One more example is tofu. As you can see now not every vegan product is good for the earth. But you need that awareness and accept those barriers as long as they’re not holding you back from something important.
Do vegans really want to convince other people to join their circle?: Most people think that vegans want to convince other people who eat meat and products from animals to also become vegan. Actually that’s not the truth. Of course I can’t speak of the majority but that’s what’s my personal experience is as a vegan. Most vegans don’t attack people who just casually or frequently eat meat and other products from animals with questions like: Oh, you eat meat? That’s so false! Doesn’t it do something with your conscience when you think of intensive farming? Oh my god, how can you be like that?
No, most vegans aren’t like that. But I’ve often experienced that non vegans are actually reacting pretty harsh on that topic. For example when my sisters and I tell relatives that we’re vegan, most of them get kind of into the defensive mode. Like: oh, do you want me to become vegan too? But meat is important for your body! And I won’t say that every non vegan is like that. Again this is just my experience, you can have a fully different view on it. So back to the topic. Yes, eating meat is good and it’s good for your body but is it that necessary?
Being vegan is becoming popular:
I love that being vegan is getting so popular on the internet now. And I think because of this „trend“ many many people or maybe also the majority of the population will be vegan in the future. I mean wouldn’t that be awesome? But the actual goal is that we are rasing awareness about the condition of animals in intensive farming.
Is it better to kill a happy cow or an unhappy cow?:
And I’ve actually thought about this a lot because I wasn’t sure at first at the answer. But then I read something about it in a book. The topic wasn’t about being vegan but it’s more like a self help guide so you can really interpretiere it into anything in your life. Yep, that’s what I did. This one quote really spoke out to me:
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all – ALFRED LORD TENNYSON
It’s better to have felt something than to have never felt anything like that before. Imagine having never felt happy in your life. Isn’t that aweful? So it’s definitely better to have been happy and well treated than to have been tortured your intire life. But what are your thoughts on this topic?
Becoming a vegan:
At the end of the day, it’s your decision. And if you’ll keep eating meat then that’s totally fine with me. I won’t convince you to become vegan. I just want to talk about it in this post. Maybe you aren’t vegan and because of this entry you got a little look into it. Or maybe you are a vegan or vegetarian then you can see what we maybe have in common. So what are your thoughts on this topic. If you want to become vegan now that’s great, if not that’s also great! It’s your decision;)
Here is the link to the video: (it’s in german but maxbe the subtitles are in english or you can understand in some other way;))
Have a nice day,
En 🍁