Falling In Love (with life & yourself)

Hello Curious Reader,
Are you in love?
It doesn’t even have to be with someone that gives you those warm feelings. It could be yourself or also life. Sometimes we don’t know how strong connected these three aspects are. When you fall in love with life, you start appreciating every little angle of it. And when you love your life, why not love yourself then? Why do we take it so often as a privilege when somebody loves you but not when you are the one who cherishes every part of your soul, from dark to bright. From cruel to wise. Why does it always have to be someone else who can appreciate you for who you are.
So here is my first advice for this day: Start with yourself.
Before you fall in love with someone else, fall in love with yourself. I know that for some it may seem like an easy task and for some an unexpectedly hard task. Whoever you are I believe that life will give you so much more if you just put yourself first.
So for todays post I’m covering these two points: Falling in love with life and yourself. In this post I want you to get to know yourself like a stranger. Start with the basics and then go deeper. And on this journey I want to be your guide and help you discover a lot more about yourself.
Are you ready?
Are you ready for now finally starting that inspiring journey? I know loving yourself takes a long time. Even longer than this post takes you to read, but as long as you stick to your progress you can do anything! So if you’re ready now, the links that inspired me for this post are linked down below. Because of that you can later find out more about those topics if you want:)
Now let’s dive right in…
Falling In Love With Life:

So we’ve come to the first aspect in falling in love. Are you excited? Well, I am. But wait what does it mean to love life?
Well, here’s the definition…
Falling in love with your life means taking advantage of what you have and chasing after the things you want. It means doing, going, and truly living.
As you may or may not know as a kid living was easy. You lived how you wanted, the way you wanted without caring for the downfalls. But all of that vanished with the expections and standards others start having of you. But now that we’ve come to this point of the post why don’t we all forget those silly standards and imagine life on a selfish and careless way. Careless and selfish, most of us think of those words negatively. But if you explain it properly it may change to something beautiful. Selfish means putting yourself first and appreciating the small moments that you only have with yourself and careless means giving a sh*t about other peoples opinions and start living how you want to. So now what happens when you live like that?
Let’s find out…
#1 You discover what you’re wildly passionate about, and you make time for those things.
#2 You value the relationships that you do have, instead of focusing on the ones you don’t.
#3 You spend more time doing things, rather than wishing for things to happen.
#4 You take more time to appreciate the little things.
#5 You spend more of your days outside or in nature.
#6 You no longer feel sad about not being in a relationship.
#7 You feel fulfilled by the memories, experiences, and relationships you have in your day-to-day existence.
Falling In Love With Yourself:

This is the last aspect for living a fulfilled life without worrying for the next step to come. But oh God, this one is how I believe the hardest. Loving yourself. Let that sink in for some minutes. Ouff, how can two simple words have such a deep meaning? However what does it actually mean to love yourself?
So lady and gens here comes the long awaited definition…
Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.
Self-love pushes you to take care of your own needs. You’ll learn to give to yourself, and in doing so, you will develop into the person you strive to be. You’ll celebrate the beauty and freedom of being true to you, and you’ll gain a solidified sense of who you truly are.
Wait, stop for a second. That all seems pretty nice, like caring for yourself and cherishing your small or big wins. So what is holding us back? For most of us there are different reasons. Maybe you don’t want to hurt yourself by not meeting your high standards and then disappointing the version of you who always strives for the better? But what is love? Love is not setting high standards and then not even trying because of the fear of getting hurt. No, because love makes you do the things that feel right and start loving every part of this mysterious feeling. So what happens when you finally fully love yourself?
Let’s dive right in…
#1 You’re happy when others achieve things, because you know you’re on your own path and will find a different, yet still meaningful form of success. You love yourself fully, so you’re happy to see others succeed.
#2 You stopped comparing yourself to other people. While it’s great what they’re doing, it has nothing to do with you and what you’re capable of. In the end, it’s about focusing on yourself and where you are/want to be.
#3 People who love themselves are authentic, they know who they really are and they stay true to themselves. They get honest about what they want and do not want. They are not afraid to say no to something they don’t want to do. They don’t stay stuck in situations that they don’t want to be in.
#4 Self-love is the ability to not fall into a puddle of shame or self-hatred even when we mess up. It’s trying new things knowing that we could fail, without thinking of ourselves, therefore, as failures.

Well, now we’ve come to the end. I feel like this was a little journey with getting to know all these possibilities when you actually fall in love. And when you’ve come to the point where you feel comfortable loving yourself and life, you’ve made it. Congrats🎈I think this should be something everyone is wanting to reach in their life. We only have one or maybe more, who knows? But this is the only time you’ll be in this body. So love it with all your heart💓
The Links:
https://theselfspace.com/how-to-really-practice-self-love-4-things-to-remember/ https://www.redonline.co.uk/health-self/a531926/self-love-habits/ https://www.happify.com/hd/10-signs-you-really-love-yourself/ https://wanderlust.com/journal/the-magic-of-loving-yourself/ https://www.bbrfoundation.org/blog/self-love-and-what-it-means https://thoughtcatalog.com/marisa-donnelly/2017/03/15-things-that-happen-when-you-fall-in-love-with-your-life-instead-of-a-person/
So that’s it for today:)
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