Does German-Hate exist?
Updated: Aug 13, 2021
Hello Curious Readers,
Today we are talking about german-hate and If it exists. First I want to put a disclaimer at the beginning: I’m German and I’ve recieved some of it, not directly against me, but I noticed a lot in the internet. And with this post I will show some prejudices that many have towards German and prove to you the opposite. Okay, so let’s get started…
#1 Germans Love Rules, Organization and Structure:
No, this is certainly not true. Think about it in this way: We are all raised different by our parents and that also means we have different personality types. I may stick to rules and need organization to concentrate but a friend of mine doesn’t. She doesn’t like rules and likes a way to get around with them. Her space is always messy but she is okay with that because of that she can be more creative. Also in Germany we are all different humans and can’t be identified by just being german. I did a bit of research and found that many have that prejudice because there is a government office called Ordnungsamt, which translates to “office of order.” But we don’t see them often and they aren’t like stalkers who look If you did the dish washer.
#2 Football is a religion:
This kind of true and kind of not. We literally talked about it in class and it came out that you can see it as an religion but it depends on who you ask. There is little difference between religion and football as both unite the source of devotional identification such as identity and elements that are present on both sides. Both the belief in greater things and the longing for community in an increasingly isolated world are a togetherness. But church services often seem sobering when active participation is refused. Therefore, religion needs a dash of dedication and emotionality from football fans. Football is an important part for germany but not everyone loves it.
#3 Germans Are Punctual:
When I hear this I almost burst into laughter. I know so many german people who barely make it on time. The most useful excuse for that is that the traffic was slow. Of course everyone tries to be on time but many things just make it hard to be early. So definitely no, we are not punctual. But again it depends on the person itself.
#4 “How are you?” is a serious question:
So this is actually the first time I heard this sterotype. And I’m not very sure If it’s true or not. I’ll give you an example when I go to my violin lesson, my teacher asks me always how I feel. I always say that I’m fine and ask her the question back and she tells a little more about her day. So again I would say that it depends on the person. For me I’d rather say more about my day when I talk to my family and friends than to people I’m not that familiar with. There are always talkative persons who even say what happened in the last few months but no one expects you to tell your whole life story.
So next we have to talk abou this song:
At first I loved this song until this part came:
[Meghan Trainor] We love you, India
[Joel Embiid] We love you, Africa
[Tory Lanez] We love the Chinese
[Lil Dicky] We forgive you, Germany
Maybe you can see what is problematic to me. If you don’t know I’ll show you some comments to that topic.
“We forgive you germany” Me realizing what he meant: wait a minute…
Me,a German: Never have I been so offended by something I totally agree with
It’s about how Germany affected the history of the world . World War II, nazism , rasism. The impact was not only about deaths.. And it’s 75 years ago..The song is not saying that there are not other crimes in the world . It’s says that we have to forgive nazism and any kind of fascism because this is the only way to move forward, to let behind any kind of war and learn from our history.
I am German. And we are really sorry about what happend. We are learning during Our entire School about WW2 what was Happening and „what went wrong“ so it doesnt Happen again. But I think there is the feeling its Not really enough, so if you embrace to be proud to be German its still really negativ. So it Looks to me like Germany cant really forgive itself But it helps when Others say that they forgive us. There is a thing I read about Germany and I think its accurate: „Germany (in Eu) is like the Father, who really messed Up in the past But wants to make it better for the Family.“ I Hope you understand My Point. And of course you cant speak for all People in the world. And the ones in WW2 were Almost already dead (on Both Sides). But the history doesnt just Affect them but us too.
So that’s it for today I hope you understand my point.
So does German Hate exist? I think that many people from a different country have some stereotypes of Germans. But once you made clarity about the prejudices and the past of Germany like Adolf Hitler we can respect each other If we haven’t done it before. My last message is that we are all humans and should live equally.
This is the site which inspired this post and made me angry at the same time:
The last blog entry: The Law Of Attraction (Tips + Tricks) Part 2 – Curiosity (
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