Hello Curious Readers,
Today you’ll read a little poem by me. I hope you like this kind of content. This idea came from Lokesh Sastya – The Gondwanaland ( who has always the best ideas (Thank you Lokesh ). So I thought that I’m going to try it and let’s get started…
This a little letter to my self doubts
You think you can keep me locked behind those walls No matter who you are, my dark thoughts, my insecurity, my negativity, even the world You can’t keep me down Even If you let me alone with the darkness The light will shine through If you let me fall down again and again I will stand up no matter how hard you try Even If it’s the deepest ground, I will climb up Because I believe in my worth, my imagination and in the world It is not as bad as it sometimes seems to be I believe in sayings that give me deep inner healing Like Erin Hanson said: There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask “What If I fall?” Oh but darling, What If you fly? If you still doesn’t understand you can’t bring me down, the only one who falls on his knees is you And it will always be you This is for all the people who need a little more courage to live their life and to live it fully not for others
The last blog entry: 8 Signs You’re An INFJ – The World Rarest Personality Type (
That was it, we hope you like it, please give us some tips for the future and follow our blog ❤ Lots of love,