10 Ways to Change Your Life ✨Part 2

A little disclaimer: This was all made by Lavendaire. The blog entry is inspired by this channel. Lavendaire is a channel about personal growth + lifestyle design, where she shares knowledge and inspiration about creating your dream life. Lavendaire is for the dreamers who believe. For those who are smart, curious, and conscious, with an open mind, a love for learning, and a deep desire to live a brilliant and vibrant life. In short, Lavendaire is for the artist of life.
// Life is an art. Make it your masterpiece. //
If you want to watch the full video of it, the link with the video is at the end. Let’s get started…
Make sure to check out Part 1 before you read this

#6 Deepen your relationships:
The sixth way to change for the better is to deepen your relationships. The truth is: We all need human connection. And in an era where we’re so digitally connected, it’s easy to feel lonely. Even if you’re a big introvert, push yourself to reach out to the people you love, make a new friend or reconnect with an old friend, because connecting with people you vibe with is, first of all, fun and fulfilling, but it’s also a way for us to learn more about the world, about human beings, and about ourselves.
To make a friend, you have to first be a friend. Be the one to take initiative and show that you care about this person enough to make time for them. Here’s a first step you can take today: Share this post with someone in your life who would appreciate it. Use that as a chance to start up a new conversation about your year or whatever you want.

#7 Be vulnerable:
The next tip that will help with your relationships is to be vulnerable. Instead of making small talk about surface level topics, go deeper in your conversations. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open up about your feelings, your fears, your honest experiences. You opening up and being vulnerable will give the other person permission to be vulnerable as well.
Sharing at that deeper level will bring you two closer and the connection will feel more meaningful. The magic of this is realizing that when you’re vulnerable, people feel more connected to you. We usually put up walls and a facade because we’re protecting ourselves, and we’re afraid to be rejected for who we truly are deep down. But when we show who we really are, not only is it freeing, but people are attracted to it as well.

#8 Cut one bad habit:
The eighth way to change your life is to commit to cutting one bad habit from your life. And you can do this by disassociating that habit with your identity. Pick one bad habit that negatively impacts you and holds you back from who you want to be. How do you identify with this habit now? How do you believe this habit defines who you are? Do you believe that it’s a part of you? You have to start to unravel your identity with that habit, and then choose a new identity that doesn’t include that habit. Whether your habit is negative thinking, a limiting belief, smoking, drinking, sleeping late, something else, You have to redefine your idea of yourself in your mind and decide that you’re no longer the person who engages in that kind of habit.
For example: If you want to quit smoking and someone offers you a cigarette, instead of saying “Sorry, I’m trying to quit smoking,” say “No thanks, I’m not a smoker.” The distinction there is that you’re associating yourself with a new identity, the identity of a non-smoker, instead of who you used to be.´This is a perfect time to decide to adopt a new identity and remove, unravel this bad habit that you thought was a part of who you were.

#9 Make peace with your past:
The ninth way to change this year is to make peace with your past. This can be extremely powerful and healing, and it may take some time. Start with forgiveness. Forgive anyone who might have hurt you in the past. Forgive yourself for being hard on yourself. Accept the past and acknowledge that you can simply choose to let go. You can’t change the past. All you can do is acknowledge how it shaped you and empower yourself to choose your present and your future. Don’t let the past determine how you feel about yourself now and moving forward.
Remember: You get to choose how you feel about yourself. You get to choose how you deal with your life. You get to choose where you want to take it. The power lies within you. And that power is exercised only in the present moment. So stop living in the past. Stop worrying. Stop wondering “what if”, “I should’ve/could’ve/would’ve” – and just let it go, be grateful for where it brought you, what it’s taught you, and just move forward.

#10 Be more present in your life:
The final idea I’ll share today is to be more present in your life. Being present is being mindful of the present moment, being aware of your thoughts, your words, and actions in the now. Being aware of the people and the environments that surround you in the now. Committing to being more present can mean: social media or digital detoxes, not giving into distractions, going into nature more often, and playing more often. Ultimately it will help you cultivate greater awareness of the moment, and thus: greater self awareness – which we all know is so important.
It’ll also help you get out of your head and actually notice your surroundings more, and be more considerate and aware of the people around you – much of which you might not have noticed when you were too distracted with yourself. You’re able to feel more joy, more gratitude, and more peace when you’re more present. Detach yourself from the daily distractions of the world, or your mind – and truly learn to live in the present moment, feeling it for all that it is.
Here is the link: (653) 10 Ways to Change Your Life – YouTube
The key word for all of these life-changing ideas is: Commitment. None of them will work unless you decide to commit to taking action and making real change in your life. So I’m here wishing you good luck and sending you all my love.
That was it, I really hope you like it, please give me some tips for the future and if you want you can follow my blog Lots of love,